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〒065-0021 札幌市東区北21条東19丁目1-25



 私は、これまで、多くの同志と共に、国内では土木学会 (JSCE)及び日本コンクリート工学会 (JCI)で、また国外ではfib (International Federation for Structural Concrete)ISO (International Organization for Standardization)ACI (American Concrete Institute)ACF (Asian Concrete Federation)おいてサステイナビリティに関する多くの活動を主導してきました。また、役所や民間会社との共同プロジェクトも実施してきました。
 日本サステイナビリティ研究所 (Japan Sustainability Institute)は、これらの活動継続の拠点として、また国内外の著名な研究者を客員研究員として招き、共同でサステイナビリティに関する研究活動を推進するために創設しました。

[代表] 堺 孝司

Message from the Representative

 It is approximately 4.6 billion years since the formation of the Earth, two hundred thousand years since the birth of our ancestors, more than twenty years since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro (The Earth Summit), and seven years since the Kyoto Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP3) which was the first to adopt the reduction of greenhouse gases. When considering the span of the Earth’s history, it is a mere blink of an eye since humankind has become aware that the planet’s resources and energy are finite and that their increasing consumption will affect the global climate. Although, to this end, we have begun to take various countermeasures, economic activities in pursuit of an affluent lifestyle are simply expanding. This is because nobody can actually fully comprehend the limit of the Earth’s resources.

 In recent years, the importance of sustainability has been highlighted in all areas, however its true nature does not necessarily appear to have been understood. It is a major challenge to take appropriate action by conducting a comprehensive assessment of various issues arising from our highly advanced social system. However, nothing will start if we simply keep our arms folded. One solution is for each of us to understand the essence of sustainability related to our respective activities, and to take the necessary action.
 Concrete is the substance most used on Earth. Its production probably amounts to 20 to 25 billion tons worldwide and is steadily increasing, mainly in developing countries. Another key material for the construction industry is steel, but as its production volume is only about 1.5 billion tons, and even assuming that half of it is for the construction industry, it is next to nothing compared with concrete. Nevertheless, the resources and energy consumed by the industry are enormous, and to make matters worse, the advancement of infrastructure development intensifies related social and economic activities, thereby further increasing resource and energy consumption. It is thus vital to assure sustainability in both the construction industry and its related industries, in order to retain sustainability of the Earth, humankind and all other living beings.
 I have taken initiatives in various activities concerning sustainability together with like-minded people in and for organizations including the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) and Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) in Japan, and International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), American Concrete Institute (ACI), and Asian Concrete Federation (ACF) overseas. I also have conducted joint projects with governments and private corporations.
 I have founded the Japan Sustainability Institute as a base for the extension of these activities, while inviting celebrated researchers from Japan and overseas as guest research fellows in order to jointly promote research and development on sustainability.

Koji Sakai
Japan Sustainability Institute